Thursday, December 22, 2011

Day 060

Start: 5:19am
Weather: Cold, Icy and Clear
Time/Distance/Pace: 24:06 - 2.5 miles - 9:38

Thoughts:  I haven't felt very energetic this week so I wasn't looking forward to this run as much as I typically do. But, once I got going I felt pretty good and kept a nice pace. The street was covered with black ice so there was a bit of slippage. A sliver of moon was rising as I got to the east end, and it was one of those mornings that was so dark that that dark side of the moon was visible. It was quite the visual treat.

I adjusted my training calendar today. I read an article that said one of the mistakes that people make when training for a marathon is not leaving ample amount of time for recovery between their big run and marathon day. Hal Higdon's training guide leaves 3 weeks between the big run week and the marathon. This article suggested 4 weeks with a mileage of 32, 24, 16 an 8 miles. So, I removed the final week of "Spring Training" (which is a clone of the first week of "Novice 1" anyway), shifted all my weeks up to gain a week after my long run, and then adjusted the miles so they taper as suggested.

Total Training Distance: 80.61 miles
Total Training Time: 0D 14:11:55

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